Proven Training Model
The program utilizes a turnkey approach to train accountants in Africa, beginning with one nation and then replicating the model in additional countries.
- Utilizes proven and cost-effective accounting certification training model by Universal Accounting International (UAI)
- Local training in Africa to be delivered in a classroom setting, which will be provided by a partner university in each nation
- Aid in the development and inclusion of women entrepreneurs
- Partner universities will also help to provide trainers for the program through their faculty, alumni and student networks. The goal is to hire 10-20 trainers in each country.
- Trainers will visit the USA for the “Train the Trainer” program, which will include a 2 night New York Stopover and one week in Utah with the Universal Accounting training team.
- Training will be conducted in English initially and will include instruction and Dual Certification (US & Local) in Bookkeeping, QuickBooks, and “Profit & Growth Expert”, etc. accounting programs, which can be completed in 4-8 weeks.
- The face-to-face “Train the Trainer” Accounting Leadership Training Program will be over 7 days. It will be held at Salt Lake City for 15-20 participants per group.
- African based Local Certified Bookkeeper Training will take place at the partner university locations and will be instructed by select individuals that completed the Accounting Leadership Training Program.
The program is set to be launched in 2020 and will be funded by a combination of grants, sponsorship, & self-funding.
It is expected that these 200,000+ individuals will then find employment as full-charge bookkeepers and or start their own self-employed businesses. We are confident these self-employed program participants will further extend the reach of the program to also include
another 500,000 individuals.